Living healthy can be a challenge, especially when you don't know how to get started. These five expert tips will help you get on track to live a healthier, happier life.
The Top 5 Tips to Start Living Healthy Now
1. Exercise is by far one of the best things you can do for your health for many reasons. Exercise battles stress, a known cause of many of today's most prevalent diseases. It also reduces anxiety and jump-starts the feel-good hormones called endorphins in your body. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself. The most important part of exercise is finding something you love doing. It doesn't necessarily mean you need to sweat it out in a gym. People who enjoy the exercise they do are more likely to stick to it long-term than those who view it as a chore, so try out a bunch of different activities until you find the one that works for you.
And good news too, a study found that after just sixteen weeks of 30-40 minute exercise four days a week volunteers were sleeping better and had more energy throughout the day. So go hiking, play tennis, go on a walk, or take up a dance class.
2. Spend time in nature. It will boost your self-esteem according to research at the University of Essex in England. Just five minutes can do a world of good, and those first few minutes happen to be the most impactful. A study done in Japan even showed that people who spent two consecutive days in nature had increased immune functioning and their improved germ fighting defenses lasted for a week afterwards. One reason for this could be the airborne compounds that plants produce called phytoncides, which kill bacteria and fungi. This could be the best way for you to prevent a cold this year.
Too busy to hit a park or spend time in the yard? Even small doses count; just having a vase of flowers or plants around can do the trick.
3. Fresh fruit and veggies go a long way towards boosting your health. Try to go for whatever is in season like berries and corn in the summer and apples in the fall for example. They are packed with flavor, have fiber and have the added bonus of supplying water to your body. Fruits and vegetables are largely composed of water, making you feel full without packing in a lot of calories. They are also packed with nutrients and studies have shown that they can go a long way to preventing Type 2 diabetes. Most people don't actually get enough fruits and veggies in a day, so to make sure you are, try to fill half of your plate with fruits and veggies at every meal. If this sounds like too much at first, try starting out with one vegetable or fruit with each meal then work your way up. Some great ways to add more vegetables and fruits to you diet are as simple as adding salsa to your scrambled eggs or tomatoes and lettuce to a lean hamburger.
4. Take a break. Reserve a day out of the week or an hour a day for a little "me time". Do things you enjoy to break away from the everyday grind that can leave your head spinning and make your anxiety skyrocket. Taking a vacation is even better. A study done by the University of Pittsburgh found that people who vacationed at least once a year were 17% less likely to die from any given reason than others who never took a break. Do you think you are too busy to take a break? Think of it as an investment to your wellbeing, happiness and productivity. Are you long overdue?
5. Friendships are golden. Socializing and spending time with good friends leaves you better equipped to cope with life's challenges, and it's a great outlet for stress. It reinforces your support system, giving you stronger feelings of self-worth, security and emotional resilience. Plus, your friends' good habits can rub off on you too. Studies have shown that women whose close friends had healthy habits like exercise and eating healthy foods were more likely to take up those habits themselves. Watch out, unhealthy habits are just as likely to rub off on you too! When life gets busy, hectic social outings are among the first things people drop. One tip for maintaining a healthy social life is to involve friends in the activities and to-dos you have like shopping, errands, or going to a farmer's market together. Or exercise together. Still can't get around to it? Pick up the phone and call your friend.
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