Saturday, 2 November 2013

Ashley's Extreme Weight-Loss Makeover

How Does Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract Aid Weight Loss?

There has been a lot of interest in pure Garcinia Cambogia extract and its impact on weight management. This plant extract sourced from the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia (also commonly known as brindleberry or gambooge) consists of a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
Having been the subject of comprehensive research, HCA has been clinically verified to stimulate weight management. This compound helps the body eliminate excess fat through several processes, including blocking fat production, enhancing emotional wellbeing, and reducing appetite.
So let's look at the ways in which pure Garcinia Cambogia can assist with weight management:
1. Blocks Fat:
HCA suppresses the activity of citrate lyase. Citrate lyase is involved in fatty acid biosynthesis. Citrate lyase is the connection between metabolizing carbohydrates and producing fatty acids. When HCA is present in the body, rather than transforming excess sugar into fat, this energy is used to produce glycogen in the liver and muscles. This prevents the formation of fatty tissues.
By enhancing the availability of glycogen in the muscles, the body has more energy available to help muscle growth. As a result, HCA promotes the development of lean muscle mass. Furthermore, the formation of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) are reduced by blocking the activity of citrate lyase. This helps to lower the risk of atherosclerosis.
2. Enhanced Emotional Well-being:
There are a couple of ways in which HCA promotes emotional well-being.
First of all, this compound assists with stimulating the production of serotonin. This feel good neurotransmitter lessens depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, which is great news for emotional eaters who seek consolation in food when they are feeling low. When mood is improved, the inclination to binge on unhealthy food items is reduced.
The 2nd way in which HCA improves emotional well-being is by lowering the concentration of the 'stress' hormone cortisol. This hormone can build up with time and have a variety of harmful effects, which includes weight gain. High levels of cortisol support the build-up of visceral fat cells in the belly area.
Excessive cortisol levels also impede the insulin-blood glucose relationship. This decreases energy availability and stimulates the brain to communicate food cravings to gain more energy. By decreasing cortisol concentrations, you'll crave less food and begin to lose weight.
3. Appetite Suppressant:
While HCA decreases food cravings by reducing cortisol levels, it also helps to suppresse appetite due to increased levels of glycogen. Increased glycogen levels stimulate receptors in the liver, transmitting messages to the brain that you've eaten enough. This lowers the amount of calories needed to feel satisfied, bringing about healthy weight-loss.
4. Choosing A Supplement:
Undoubtedly taking pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract offers a number of health benefits. However, you should beware when choosing a Garcinia Cambogia supplement. Opt for a supplement that is highly concentrated in HCA; more than 50 % if possible, and a high quality product with no extra ingredients.
Finally, one of the most crucial factors in the effectiveness of pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract has been shown to be how it is taken. It should be taken on an empty stomach approximately 30 to 60 minutes before a meal and with a glass of water. This ensures the HCA has been adequately absorbed before food consumption and will ensure maximum weight-loss benefit.
Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract has been shown to be highly effective for weight management, as well as contributing to the other health benefits already examined.
Article Source:

Saturday, 28 September 2013

How to Lose Weight Fast (My Story)

Do We Have A Choice About Our Health? I Chose A Paleo Diet - Eat Fat, Keep Trim And Be Healthy

"Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, until you try to communicate with someone with a different paradigm". - Donella Meadows
THIS IS SIMPLY MY OPINION. Admittedly I am somewhat passionate about the topic, having worked as a Personal Trainer for 6 years and now running a company that deals directly with this topic, but still it is simply my opinion. I say this because I encourage anyone and everyone to check out the facts for themselves. As far as I'm concerned, there is vail that covers the whole food industry and it's up to the individual to lift it up and take a look behind.
When I first heard the term 'paleo diet' I thought here we go again. Another marketing ploy created with financially driven motives in mind. I understand why it's so easy to dismiss anything new we hear in the media. It's much easier as human beings to stick to what we know and tell ourselves that what we eat is right, I mean... as human beings we are always right... right? But what if we are getting it wrong? What then?
I've always been curious, I continually poke around and ask questions regarding the health & fitness industry, it's in my DNA. As part of a company dedicated to nutrition you get to interact with many other experts in the industry too. Naturopaths, nutritionists, some extremely fit athletes and CrossFit owners/clients. Then we get those at the other end of the scale with weight issues and more serious health concerns.
After years of this poking around to see what really fits, the trail kept leading me back to the way I've been eating for years (and I feel pretty good!). What I didn't realise it is that it's termed the paleo diet. I have learned that there are different versions of the paleo diet, but in a nutshell that is how I do things and why we have embraced the paleo diet at 180 Nutrition.
Sadly, most of the industry is driven by money with profit and the bottom dollar in mind. There are no real concerns for health, if there were then why are we getting fatter as a nation each year? Why is there so much confusion? If the stats continue to grow annually, 100% of us will be obese by 2030! Can this be right?
Seriously think about the next question for a moment.
If you know your daily food intake needs improving and you woke up in the morning completely inspired, what's the first thing you would eliminate from your diet? What would you start buying and eating more of?
People tell me they eat a healthy diet all the time, but when you start to break it down, the foods they eat are anything but!
Take a look at the list below. Does your daily diet consist of the these foods?
*Soy milk
*Low fat yoghurt
*Breakfast cereal
*Gluten free muffins, cakes etc.
*99% fat-free products
*Corn fed or processed meat
*Homogenised milk
*Organic packaged products
These foods make an appearance in many people's overall daily diet. Take a closer look and you will find that they are not very nutritious at all. All I see is a lot of sugar, carbs that are mainly processed (this will have the same effect on the body as sugar), processed fats (my belief is that these are very damaging) and some preservatives and flavourings etc thrown in for good measure. Oh and organic... a buzz word that is heavily marketed but doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
You can have an organic cardboard box, but that doesn't mean it's a healthy option if you eat it.
So where are all the nutrients?
My belief is that these food types are contributing to our health problems. From lack of nutrients to over production of insulin. Throw in a hectic working week with stress levels through the roof, add a sedentary lifestyle and you are asking for trouble.
But the good news is with a little planning and creativity, you can control what you eat. Like I always say, don't count calories, make what goes in your mouth count!
If there's only one thing you take away from this post, just remember this and own it: "Carbohydrates controls insulin; insulin controls fat storage."
I hear a lot of confusion around this topic, especially when it comes to weight loss. And even more so - FAT. Not your love handles kind of fat but the fat that we eat.
If you could make simple dietary and physical changes to your daily life that would greatly improve your overall health over time would you do it? You'd certainly like to thinks so. But I often hear resistance to change when it comes to the food we eat, and especially when it comes to fat. So, consider the next quote below.
'All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.' - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher
So what do you consider to be healthy now? I've outlined below what I usually eat in a typical day and what I see as a typical daily diet for many people:
Typical Breakfast
*Slice of multigrain toast & Jam
My Breakfast
*Cod liver oil capsules & Krill oil capsules on rising (Giving me a range of essential fatty acids)
*3 egg omelet with veggies, mushrooms, Parmesan & spices
*3-4 dessert spoons of 180 Protein SuperFood, 2 organic eggs, some coconut milk, ice, a few berries and a little water. Blend. (Sometimes I use 1/2 avocado or frozen spinach. Whatevers in the fridge)
Typical Lunch
Salad & meat sandwich (bread like focaccia)
My Lunch
*Large Chicken salad with olive oil
*Typical afternoon snack
*99% fat free muffin
My afternoon snack
*Half avocado with chopped cherry tomatoes and ricotta. Sea salt & pepper.
*Typical Dinner
*Pesto chicken pasta
My Dinner
*Grass fed steak (palm of my hand size) cooked rare in coconut oil and cajun with veggies.
Are you eating the typical daily diet that is perceived to be healthy? If you are, why? Is it going to effect your health long term? Can you see a difference in the meals?
From my years of experience, I feel that natural fat is not the culprit. I personally don't mind how much natural fat I eat (this includes cholesterol from organic eggs and grass fed meat) and I make sure I get a broad range of fatty acids (omega 3′s especially - big fan of krill oil). I have moderate protein and most of my carbs come in the form of vegetables and a little fruit. I've cut all sugar.I stop eating when I'm full and I don't eat until I'm hungry. I exercise most days and always look for a good nights sleep. Pretty simple really.
I find most people struggle getting their head around eating fat (NOTE: I'm talking about natural occurring fat and fat from naturally grass fed animals. Not corn fed!! Or fats that have been homogenised or hydrogenated. I do my up most to avoid any kind of processed fat) and understandably so. We are taught a low fat diet is healthy. If you eat any other way then you must belong to some cult!
But what I encourage you to do is investigate and be open. Back in 2007 I heard about a small organisation that where helping people with chronic diseases and cancer. They were supportive through natural remedies including diligent nutrition (think dedication of an Olympic athlete), weight training and creating a supporting community for each other.
I knew no one with cancer personally, I didn't have cancer either but I was hearing stories of remarkable results. And I was hearing high fat diet with low carb. All this was going against the very things I've been taught (& I work in the health & fitness industry). But I was curious, in fact so curious I rang them up and a week later I was flying up there. It would have been very easy to dismiss but I needed to know more.
I met over 20 people who had different forms of cancer on that weekend. This wasn't about miracle cures or false claims, but simply giving the best possible chance for the body to heal itself through nutrition and environment. Many people had been in ketogenesis (when the body has no free carbohydrates available, fat must be broken down into acetyl-CoA in order to get energy, not to be confused with Ketoacidosis) for over 12 months and were doing really well.
So what were these guys eating? A natural high fat diet, moderate protein along with lots of veggies and minimal carbs. What was even more interesting was that most of these people (because of their illness) where being monitored by their local doctor. It's common to find many problematic health issues occurring at the same time along with chronic diseases like cancer. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, gut problems, depression etc. So they would report back to get check ups for many of these. If they stuck diligently to their new lifestyle of eating and weight training (100% commitment like Olympic athlete, remember!), then a lot of these symptoms where starting to improve.
Was this enough for me to start to digging further and question what we are taught to eat? For me, absolutely! Is it the right way to eat? It is for me that's for sure. I treat it all like an adventure and continue to learn as I always look to try and fit the pieces together.
What's right for you? Only you can truly answer that. But I certainly encourage everyone to be curious, open and to try new things.
So the question is; are you eating a healthy diet?
Do you really question what you eat?
Are you in good health? If not, why?
If you could do one thing right now that would be a positive step to improving your health, what would it be?
By Guy Lawrence

Monday, 12 August 2013

How to start living a healthier lifestyle - Tips for a healthy life

The 3 Best Lower Abdominal Exercises

Leg raises
Leg raises are a real staple lower ab exercises, and can be performed on either a captain's chair or a pull up bar. Position yourself in the chair or hang from the pull up bar, and raise your legs upwards, keeping them as straight as possible. Make sure you go beyond the 90 degree 'L' shape- the bottom part of the movement targets your hip flexors more than your lower abs. If you are struggling to perform the exercise, don't worry- it is tough. Instead opt for the knee raise- the same exercise except your legs are bent at the knee. Again focus on going well past 90 degrees- range of motion is key in performing this exercise.
I don't actually know the proper name for this exercise- my mate Scotty demonstrated it about 4 years ago and it has remained a staple of my abdominal workouts ever since. Take a 5kg plate, preferably one coated in rubber. Lay a gym mat out on the floor and lie face out, with your legs and arms extended. Hold the plate in your hands, draw both your arms and legs in, transfer the plate onto your shins, and then re-extend your body with the plate balancing on your legs. Now draw your legs back in and transfer the plate back into your arms- that is 1 rep- try 4 sets of 10-15 reps. If you find it tough, try a lighter weight, or indeed no weight at all.
The real benefit of this exercise is that it targets a huge range of muscles in your core- pulling your legs in works both your hip flexors and lower abdominals, and crunching up to grab the plate with your hands also works your upper core hard. Furthermore this is an exercise that you can make measurable progress- once you find 5kg easy, try and move up to 10.
Swiss Ball Roll Ins
Place a Swiss ball on the floor and balance your shins on top of it, keeping the rest of your body in the press up position- (as though you were about to form an elevated press up). Draw our knees in towards your stomach, allowing the ball to roll forward. Squeeze your abs and then re-extend your legs to the start position. Try 4 sets of 15-20 reps. This is a really effective exercise- not only does it work your lower abs, but your entire core has to work to keep yourself balanced upon the swiss ball.
Article Source:

Monday, 22 July 2013

Quick Sweat Cardio Workout to Lose Weight & Burn Belly Fat Fast

Low-Cost Cardio Workouts You Can Do At Home

An exercise regimen has to comprise of strength straining, flexibility and fat reduction techniques. Using weights to improve muscle tone is all well and good, but if fat isn't burned, no amount of weight training will give you those toned abs you yearn for. Getting enrolled at a gym is one of the best ways to get a workout designed for your body type but you can also fill interim periods by following an all-round regimen at home.
Exercises don't need expensive equipment though those who can afford them shouldn't scrimp either. Rather than equipment, performing the right exercises is the key to attaining fitness and having a well-sculpted body. Below is a list of cardio workouts that cost only a few dollars but are followed by athletes and fitness buffs alike.
Low-impact workout
• Low-impact exercises are great for beginners and people with back and knee problems. They don't strain the joints, but work with them to increase strength and reduce fat.
• Warm up for five minutes by doing simple stretches and step touches. This will get your heart rate going and loosen limbs.
• Perform side lunges for two minutes. This consists of standing with legs wide apart and keeping the arms stretched out. Touch your left foot with your right arm, stand up, and touch your right foot with your left arm. Repeat the steps as fast as possible but slow down if you feel unnatural pain.
• Front kick lunges are another. Light weights can be used to strengthen the arms. Stand and bend slightly at the knees keeping elbows tucked in and fists loosely clenched. Kick with the right foot, flow back into a bent position and lunge with the left while keeping the left leg straight back. Touch the floor with the right hand to steady yourself. Repeat the exercise with the left foot and go through the entire sequence for five minutes.
High-impact workout
These are a few choices for high-impact workouts and if you're healthy enough to bear the strain, there's nothing like them. Remember, however, that these exercises can cause injury and shouldn't be performed by people suffering from joint and back problems. A quick consultation with your family doctor will help decide a regimen.
• Jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn fat. It's such an effective cardio workout that even top athletes jump rope before proceeding with their usual exercise regimen. Beginners can start with a weighted rope to cut the air faster and progress to a lighter rope as strength and flexibility increase.
There's a technique when jumping rope that reduces strain on the joints. Lightly landing, keeping the knees slightly bent and jumping with a straight back should be practiced. Wear cushioned shoes designed for training/running.
• Jumping jacks are another medium- to high-impact exercise. Weights can be added for strength training. A set of 20 jumping jacks followed by burpees and back to jumping rope will give you a high impact, high intensity workout.
• Burpees are full-body workouts that involve squats, front planks and more squats all at the same time. They're also a high intensity exercise. Beginners should try attempting 20 burpees and increase the number as strength is built.
There are many burpee variants you can incorporate into your high impact cardio workout. You can add a push up to the routine by performing one push up before moving into the plank position. Or you can use only one arm at a time when doing the push up and the plank.

Article Source:

Monday, 24 June 2013

Exercise Fitness -

How Cardio Gets Rid of Cellulite

So far we've said that in order to get rid of cellulite you need to do some form of weight training and to increase the heaviness of the weight. The second thing I touched on was that the shape of the kettlebell forces you to use muscles that you normally wouldn't use with machine weights or dumbbells and barbells. The third thing you need to do to get rid of cellulite you need to do some form of cardio training. This will be the focus of this article.
So far we have established that we need to build muscle in order to burn fat and reduce that unwanted cellulite. We have also established that the shape of the kettlebell forces our bodies to use more muscles - literally meaning that we are getting stronger faster and burning more calories and body fat quicker. So is there a need to do cardio? Can we just do strength training exercises in order to get rid of cellulite?
Well the answer is yes and no. The great thing about cardio is that it burns a lot of calories during the workout. Simply doing strength training alone will not burn the same amount of calories as cardio during the session. Yet when the cardio workout is finished you literally stop burning any extra calories. So in order to continue, you need to do more cardio! If I had all the time in the world to walk and run and do other forms of cardio then this wouldn't be a problem! Although the question is, can cardio alone get rid of cellulite? In my own personal experience, there was a time of approximately 1-2 years where I completely stopped doing any weight training. I really thought weight training made me 'bulky' and if I wanted to lose weight I should just focus on cardio. So I switched my training sessions to walking, bike riding and the occasional running. During this time I actually gained weight and I noticed a considerable increase in my cellulite. What was going wrong? This was just prior to discovering kettlebells. I must also admit here that my diet was not the best at the time. So a poor diet combined with some cardio exercises caused me to gain weight and see an increase in my cellulite. When I started my training regime with kettlebells, I decided that it was time to clean up my diet as well. For maximum fat loss a healthy diet is also a must! OK, so with my kettlebells I was now doing weights and cardio combined - killing two birds with one stone so I no longer needed to spend 45 minutes on cardio and 45 minutes on weights, what I used to do at the gym. I was now exercising approximately 45 minutes 3x a week and I lost weight and saw definition that I never had before. The results were amazing. The great part was that I wasn't bulky I was starting to look lean and trim. The best part was that I could fit into clothes I never could before.
"But Fab you said 20mins 3x a week is all you need, you were training a lot more!" I hear you say. Since we are discussing the need for cardio in this article, I will briefly touch on this here, but to give it the justice that it deserves I will be writing another article to explain more thoroughly. So stay tuned for that. Call me crazy but I didn't believe that less is more. In fact I still believed that the more I exercise the stronger and fitter I'd become. So I even wanted to exercise 4-5 times a week with my kettlebell! I guess I could, if I really wanted to but I didn't need to. I found myself strapped for time further on in my training and reduced my exercise to 20 minutes 3x a week. This was just prior to my pregnancy and this time I got stronger and fitter and I was doing less. My body looked the best it ever had. That's all I'll say here and will go into detail on this later on.
So why is cardio alone not enough? The ideal solution here is to find a form of training that will increase your basal metabolic rate, the rate at which you burn calories when doing nothing at all. Doing hours of cardio alone is great at the time. As you can burn more calories during the session than just weight training alone yet when you leave the gym or the running track, the extra calorie burn usually stops there. Yet when you do weight training it can last from 24-48 hours after you've completed your exercise regime. Weight training continues to burn extra calories after the workout because the body needs to repair itself from that workout. This means that you can continue burning added calories without doing anything at all for the next 24-48 hours! Also the heavier you lift, the more calories you burn! So combining the two - cardio and weight training using the kettlebell as your tool is a form of metabolic training - literally increasing your metabolic rate at rest. This means that when you are doing nothing you are burning calories - major calories. To put it another way if you could run with a weight in your hand - you will significantly burn more calories than just plain running alone! And you will burn calories long after the run because of the added weight.
Article Source:

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The 3 Week Diet System - How to Lose Weight Fast

Your Blueprint for Healthy Living

Living healthy can be a challenge, especially when you don't know how to get started. These five expert tips will help you get on track to live a healthier, happier life.
The Top 5 Tips to Start Living Healthy Now
1. Exercise is by far one of the best things you can do for your health for many reasons. Exercise battles stress, a known cause of many of today's most prevalent diseases. It also reduces anxiety and jump-starts the feel-good hormones called endorphins in your body. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself. The most important part of exercise is finding something you love doing. It doesn't necessarily mean you need to sweat it out in a gym. People who enjoy the exercise they do are more likely to stick to it long-term than those who view it as a chore, so try out a bunch of different activities until you find the one that works for you.
And good news too, a study found that after just sixteen weeks of 30-40 minute exercise four days a week volunteers were sleeping better and had more energy throughout the day. So go hiking, play tennis, go on a walk, or take up a dance class.
2. Spend time in nature. It will boost your self-esteem according to research at the University of Essex in England. Just five minutes can do a world of good, and those first few minutes happen to be the most impactful. A study done in Japan even showed that people who spent two consecutive days in nature had increased immune functioning and their improved germ fighting defenses lasted for a week afterwards. One reason for this could be the airborne compounds that plants produce called phytoncides, which kill bacteria and fungi. This could be the best way for you to prevent a cold this year.
Too busy to hit a park or spend time in the yard? Even small doses count; just having a vase of flowers or plants around can do the trick.
3. Fresh fruit and veggies go a long way towards boosting your health. Try to go for whatever is in season like berries and corn in the summer and apples in the fall for example. They are packed with flavor, have fiber and have the added bonus of supplying water to your body. Fruits and vegetables are largely composed of water, making you feel full without packing in a lot of calories. They are also packed with nutrients and studies have shown that they can go a long way to preventing Type 2 diabetes. Most people don't actually get enough fruits and veggies in a day, so to make sure you are, try to fill half of your plate with fruits and veggies at every meal. If this sounds like too much at first, try starting out with one vegetable or fruit with each meal then work your way up. Some great ways to add more vegetables and fruits to you diet are as simple as adding salsa to your scrambled eggs or tomatoes and lettuce to a lean hamburger.
4. Take a break. Reserve a day out of the week or an hour a day for a little "me time". Do things you enjoy to break away from the everyday grind that can leave your head spinning and make your anxiety skyrocket. Taking a vacation is even better. A study done by the University of Pittsburgh found that people who vacationed at least once a year were 17% less likely to die from any given reason than others who never took a break. Do you think you are too busy to take a break? Think of it as an investment to your wellbeing, happiness and productivity. Are you long overdue?
5. Friendships are golden. Socializing and spending time with good friends leaves you better equipped to cope with life's challenges, and it's a great outlet for stress. It reinforces your support system, giving you stronger feelings of self-worth, security and emotional resilience. Plus, your friends' good habits can rub off on you too. Studies have shown that women whose close friends had healthy habits like exercise and eating healthy foods were more likely to take up those habits themselves. Watch out, unhealthy habits are just as likely to rub off on you too! When life gets busy, hectic social outings are among the first things people drop. One tip for maintaining a healthy social life is to involve friends in the activities and to-dos you have like shopping, errands, or going to a farmer's market together. Or exercise together. Still can't get around to it? Pick up the phone and call your friend.
Article Source:

Saturday, 8 June 2013

The BEST fat-burner food is BANANAS!

Top Health Tips To Help Stay Healthy

It is a universal truth that nothing is more important than your health. That is why Health tips are very crucial for our healthiness. These tips help to get our body, soul and mind in perfect states. There are numerous tips out there to help improve our body strength, lose weight and stay healthy; these include:
  1. Lose Weight Sensibly: It is vital to lose weight sensibly as a sudden loss in weight can be harmful. You cannot just abruptly stop eating all those meals that have always appealed to you and expect that your body mechanism will smile at that. The process is gradual and must be followed if you desire to lose weight and stay healthy.

  2. Eat Fresh Vegetables and Fruits: Vegetables and fruit serve as fillers for the stomach. They help to keep you full and away from foods with high calories.

  3. Do not rush your meal, eat gradually: This will help you eat less and will help in weight loss.

  4. Keep a food Journal: On a food journal, honestly fill in all meals that you take regularly; this should include the sauces and condiments and all foods that have calories in them. From your journal, observe if it is possible to slash your meals and eliminate food items that you do not actually need.

  5. Exercise Daily: Take physical exercise at least thirty minutes daily. It is reasonable to include a day off every week.

  6. Integrate beans and other legumes into your eating plan for weight loss: These meals hold plenty of fibre and will maintain you longer throughout the day.

  7. Eat nuts: This has proven as a successful means to lose your weight. Just a nibble at a nut will revitalize your vigour for the rest of the day.

  8. Good Breakfast: Eating a good breakfast is one of the most optimistic things you can do if you really intend to lose weight. A good breakfast should include new fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal, yoghurt or low-fat milk, a boiled egg and whole wheat toast

  9. Take Ginger: The oil in ginger has made it a very helpful herbal medicine for nasal and chest congestion. Dish out two cups of hot water over 1-inch piece of peeled, grated ginger and steer for ten minutes. Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper to the water and drink as desired.
These are just a few health tips to help you stay healthy. Keep in mind that staying healthy is a continuous process and should be done with consistency.
Article Source:


Sunday, 19 May 2013

A Personal Trainer Who Will Help You Succeed in Your Weight Goals

If you are overweight or just out of shape and want to change, then you might want to find a personal trainer. It will not be easy, but if you find the right individual to help you, then you should have success and reach your desired goals. Whether your goal is simply to be toned and fit or to lose a hundred pounds, you should be able to find the right person to help. Look for an individual who is experienced, strong, and affordable.
Experience is very important. Having a personal trainer who has helped others with the same problems that you have is helpful. It is also important that he or she has experience in helping people prepare to get fit. Knowing how to stretch correctly and warm-up is crucial. It is also important that he or she has enough medical training to notice any problems that need to be addressed with the trainee's health.
Strength is also a trait that is important. Physical strength as well as mental strength is essential. You do not want to have a trainer who is not as in shape as you would like to become. You also do not want someone to let you have it easy. It is important to have someone who can read your personality and give you the type of encouragement that you need. That could mean having him or her yell in your face, or it could just mean quiet encouragement.
Affordability is also an important consideration. You need to make sure that you find a personal trainer who is not excessively expensive. Of course it may be worth it to you to pay quite a bit to get results, but you should look at your budget, compare the cost of various other trainers, and try to come to a conclusion from there.
After considering these areas, you should have tools to help you make your choice. Using the Internet is a beneficial way to search for the right personal trainer. You should be able to find out quite a bit of information that will help you to narrow your search so that you do not have to have too many consultations or phone calls before you can make your decision. You will not regret hiring someone to help you reach your fitness goals. If you do not yet have any goals, then it may be time to start making goals. It can all start with a piece of paper and pen.
Article Source:

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Saturday, 27 April 2013

A Guide to Carbohydrates and Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are nutrients that your body breaks down to create sugar. Like other nutrients, carbohydrates also provide vitamins and minerals. But what does this have to do with losing weight?
Why Does The Body Need Sugar?
The cells in our body use sugar to make energy and your brain runs off of it exclusively for fuel. So, just like gas for your car, carbohydrates keeping the motor running. And while it is also true your body can run off fat and protein for a while, it will eventually need to switch back to carbohydrates, otherwise it will start eating its own muscle for fuel - not a good idea when dieting since it lowers your overall rate at which your body burns calories.
Two Kinds of Fuel
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed and provide quick energy to the body. Have you ever reached for a candy bar when you were feeling tired? That's you feeding your body simple carbohydrates to get the boost you needed. More examples of simple carbohydrates are honey, breakfast cereals, breads and biscuits made with white flour, fruit juice, and most crackers.
Complex carbohydrates aren't as quickly digested as your body since they usually contain fiber and as a result, don't cause the spikes in blood sugar. They also carry a lot more nutrients than simple sugars. Some examples of complex carbohydrates include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
There has been a lot of talk about carbohydrates and how they hinder weight loss. To a certain extent that is true - if you eat too many carbs, then your body will end up storing them as fat. In addition, when you continue to go overboard on carbs, you become sluggish, overweight and retain water. But here's the thing: you body needs carbohydrates to fuel your brain, to create red blood cells (a key component of blood) and to repair wounds. So how much is too much?
Recent scientific studies show that daily carbohydrate intake between 100 grams and 150 grams per day is right where you want to be; enough carbs to run your body in a healthy, efficient manner but not get in the way of weight loss. Of course, if you are exercising strenuously on a daily basis, are recovering from illness or surgery, or have other health issues like diabetes, your optimum carbohydrate intake level may be different - and in some case, dramatically different. It's best to check with your doctor to be sure.
Shane Stewart is a full time fitness instructor living in Maryland USA. He writes articles for many online publications on the subject of health, diet supplements, weight loss and fitness.
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Successful Fat Loss Comes Only When You Use The Right Techniques!

There are many reasons most people fail when they try to lose weight. However, I believe they can all be classified into two big groups of people. The first type of people who fail, fail because they simply have no determination. The second group of people fail because they do not know the right techniques to lose weight; sometimes they believe myths put out by the fitness industry! If you belong to the second group of people, read on.
In the following article, I seek to share with you the right methods to lose weight.
First of all, you should not underestimate the importance of sleep. At least six to seven hours of sleep time each and every single day is necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism and to keep you healthy. If you constantly deprive your body of the rest it requires, then your metabolism rate will slow down dramatically, resulting in slower weight loss. Also, if you do not get sufficient sleep at night, your body will release more cortisol, which is a hormone that will accumulate more fats and burn away your lean muscle mass.
Next of all, you should take smaller meals, but take them more frequently. It takes approximately ten minutes for your brain to process that your stomach already feels full. Therefore, eating slower is also a good trick to help you lose weight. When you eat slower, your brain finds it easier to gauge accurately whether you have taken sufficient food.
Thirdly, you should never ever skip your breakfast. Many people make the mistake of skipping their breakfast, thinking that it will reduce the amount of calories they take for the day; therefore they should lose weight. However, if you have skipped your breakfast before, you probably found that it was not effective in helping you lose weight. There are two reasons why skipping breakfast is bad for fat loss. Firstly, skipping breakfast will usually make you feel extremely hungry by lunch time, making you eat a lot more calories than you usually will during lunch. Secondly, taking a nutritious breakfast will ensure that your metabolism is kick-started for the day; skipping your breakfast will make your metabolism slow for the entire day.
Other than targeting your diet, exercise should also be a part of your weight loss routine. If you have not already done so, start getting into the habit of leading an active lifestyle!
Leading an active lifestyle to lose weight does not necessarily mean you have to splurge on gym memberships! 

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Overcome the Excuses and Transform Your Body

Excuses, excuses, excuses... I have heard and I hear them all. These excuses keep you from the goal at hand... to transform your body.
"I'm too tired."
"I don't know how."
"I've tried every diet in the book and failed."
"My knees and back ache too much."
"I don't have time."
"My family doesn't support me"
"I don't have the money."
"I'll never look like that so why bother."
"I'm too old."
Need I go on?
Are you making excuses? You say you want to transform your body yet you give every "reason" in the book and then some as to why you can't. Aren't you tired of excuses and ready to get results?
You know what I have learned through the years of helping people lose weight, get in shape, change their bodies and their lives? Most of those excuses are masks... generally masks that hide fear of some form. Fear of change. Even fear of achieving your goal and being who you have wanted to be for so long and never thought you could be. Fear who you might lose along the way. Fear of losing the familiar. Fear that you'll fail. Fear that you aren't worthy. FEAR... it will not allow you to transform your body as long as you continue to give it control with your excuses.
So, what do you do about it?
You have to know your enemy to overcome it. So, determine what you are afraid of. Look deep. Leave no stone unturned. Be honest, transparent, and authentic with yourself and name the demon.
Now it is time to look it in the eyes. Get mad and tell it to "Bug OFF". You have a goal... a goal to transform your body and your life and you are fed up with the delays that your fear driven excuses are causing.
Now with that new courage coursing through your veins, get busy. No... resist the temptation for excuses again. Dig down deep and grab hold of the courage and make a determined decision to do this.
Since you are taking action, those fears are going to get restless. They will find a way through your courage and conviction and will rear their ugly heads in order to deter you. They will throw obstacles at you from every direction. RESIST. Now is not the time for weakness, surrender and complacency. Now is the time to stand stronger than ever... more decided and determined. SAY "Hell No!"to the obstacles that fear is presenting and stay the course.
You are well on your way to transform your body. The breakthrough is near! I promise.
Today is the end of your excuses. Today is a new dawn, a new day... it is your day. Don't let it pass you by with excuses again. Seize the day, lay hold of the opportunity, embrace the chance to reach your goals and transform your body once and for all. Are you ready? If you are, I and my team are here to see you to success. Why? Because we believe YOU CAN DO THIS! No excuses.
Carl Mason- Liebenberg is a Wellness and Weight Loss Specialist, Author, Fitness Coach, and a Leader in Creating a Lifestyle of Wellness.
His passion is for those who suffer from poor nutrition, related illnesses, addictions and overweight conditions; with a specific focus on women. Carl unveils the power of nutrition and fitness to bring recovery, healing, restoration and strength.
Carl has personally experienced what he teaches and continues to study and learn to improve his ability to teach you a Lifestyle of Wellness.
He has recently launched the Ultimate 30 Day Body Reset that you'll want to be sure to obtain in your journey to authentic wellness.
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What To Do If You Are Struggling With Weight Loss

Many moons ago when man first appeared on the planet, life as we know it today was VERY different...
We had to hunt for our meat, brave the elements, and had to grow our own vegetables... There was certainly no grocery store down the block.
So our bodies were designed to protect us and let us adapt to the many harsh conditions... The problem with that is, it is a far cry from how we live today. We have diets of fast and processed foods, and virtually foods that are dead, and no longer holds any nutritional value.
Our bodies are very primal in nature and the reason we gain weight is for protection. Our bodies want to protect us from famine and starvation. Just about 100 years ago, famine was a real threat to most of the world. We needed to survive until a food source was again available. Survival was Job #1!
Our DNA is programmed for this, and has not adapted to the way that we live today. So your body is doing everything it can for your survival.
That is why dieting doesn't work. Calorie restriction along with grueling workouts put your body into fat storage mode... or as what I refer to as "Turning on the Fat Switch ". Once this has happened our body does everything it can to store fat, slow metabolism, and turns on the hunger signal in the brain.
Our body does not realize that there is no real threat of food shortage. Scientists are now studying animals ( in the wild, not domesticated pets ) as to how they stay the perfect weight for their species. Their weight stays in balance even if there is a food shortage, or they have to endure a brutally cold winter. They have discovered this "fat switch" mechanism in them and now they are studying how this also works with humans. You will see that domesticated pets have the same weight problems that humans have.
One major cause of our "fat switch" being turned on is processed food. Processed food affects the body by "turning on the fat switch" for numerous reasons. First of all this food is stripped of any of its natural components which made it healthy and nutritious to eat. This in turn tells the body it is starving, even if you have just eaten a huge meal. It also is laden with chemicals which the body perceives as a threat, so it goes into survival mode.
Your body will fight you when you try dieting, by doing everything it can to store fat, make you more sedentary, it even deadens your taste buds, so that you crave more sugary and salty foods and have to keep eating to feel satisfied.
If you want your body to start working with you instead of against you... you need to learn how to "Turn Off The Fat Switch". Eliminating processed foods is a great start! Try replacing at every chance you can with fresh, whole foods. Your body knows exactly what to do with that!! Your cells will be jumping up and down for joy at the addition of fresh fruit and vegetables, and it will reward you!
To Your Good Health!
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Safe Weight Loss Products - Tips to Choose

There are so many products out there that aid in weight loss. However, you shouldn't buy just anything that promises to help you shed off those extra pounds. Some of these things contain chemicals or toxins that leave you at risk for more serious health problems.
For your health and wellbeing, choose wisely. First of all, think about losing weight the traditional way. Eat right and exercise regularly. If you've got these two things covered, then your chances of maintaining your ideal weight is high. However, if you depend too much on extra help but you don't do anything about your attitude, you can expect to go back to your old ways and gain all that weight back. To supplement your efforts and to fast track your weight loss, you can turn to weight loss products that are safe for you.
Products to Choose From
Some manufacturers of herbal medicine harp on the fact that their products are organic. However, just because these come from nature doesn't automatically make them safe for consumption. Here some weight loss products that you can turn to if you need help with your diet:
This is an amino acid that helps in the breakdown of calories. Aside from that, it's good in cleaning the buildup of toxins in your digestive system. Experts also believe that this supplement supports muscle buildup during exercise.
This contains capsaicin, the very compound that stimulates metabolism during digestion. So, if you want to increase your metabolic rate and naturally burn fat at a faster rate, this helps a lot.
Green Tea
As safe as green tea is, it contains more caffeine that coffee. Avoid this when you're pregnant. Otherwise, this tea contains healthy antioxidant compounds and is very rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. You can take this after every meal and feel how cleanses your system.
They say that the sea is rich in secrets that help you attain health. They were right because seaweeds are high in chromium and iodine. This helps naturally stimulate your thyroid glands so that they work properly. However, if you're currently suffering from thyroid problems, it's best to consult with your physician first.
Acai Berry
This is full of antioxidants and nutrients that promote weight loss. That's because the berry cleanses your body of toxins and boosts your energy levels at the same time.
Ginseng does wonder by boosting your immune system and giving you the energy you need. While this isn't directly connected to weight loss, it does help you stay active should you need to hit the gym.
The above mentioned weight loss products are available everywhere. So, turn to these and know that you're not putting your health at risk.
Reynold Alleen is a regular blogger and an article writer, who writes about weight loss related information and reviews about weight loss supplements.
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My Natural Weight Loss Success Story - Before and After

Health Benefits of Breakfast And Whole Grain

The health benefits of breakfast has not been taken seriously recently in our society, although we focus quite a bit on steps to remain healthy, we don't take our breakfast into serious consideration. We pay attention to personal hygiene, load up on multivitamins, and also enroll in gym memberships in the hope that we will be motivated to regularly get exercise. But then it turns out that one of the easiest preventative steps we can take can be done at home right at the start of each and every day.
In this article, we find out why breakfast is better in our daily life and the health benefits we derive from such important meal of the day.
As a rule of thumb, eating breakfast every day in the morning is essential to our health. Regularly eating breakfast can assist decrease the risk of insulin resistance syndrome, diabetes or coronary heart disease by 35% to 50% compared to your odds if you skip the morning breakfast meal. In doing this every morning it boils down to the large number of disease prevention just by paying close attention to one important meal of the day. Breakfast is a vital meal... as our mothers always say. It appears mom was right after all.
Now what's the best choice for breakfast that the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends to gain prevention against the above listed diseases? Building a healthier life free from cardiovascular diseases and stroke? A bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk added as part of a balanced breakfast. Let's find out why whole grains are better than refined grains and how to add more whole grains to your diet. The fiber in whole-grain cereals and dairy products help protect against obesity and heart problem by improving blood sugar levels and levels of cholesterol.
The following, are examples of broadly speaking accepted whole grain foods and flours.
  • Oats, including oatmeal
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Corn, including whole cornmeal and popcorn
  • Rice, both brown rice and colored rice
  • Rye
  • Teff
  • Wild rice
  • Triticale
  • Millet
  • Sorghum (also called milo)
  • Wheat, including varieties such as spelt, emmer, farro, einkorn, Kamut®, durum and forms such as bulgur, cracked wheat and wheatberries
  • Amaranth
Well then, why shouldn't you wait to have whole grain bread at lunch instead? The answer lies in the concentration of fiber content in whole-grain cereals. Grains, especially whole grains, are an essential part of a healthy diet. All types of grains are good sources of complex carbohydrates and some key vitamins and minerals. Grains are also naturally low in fat. All of this makes grains a healthy option. Better yet, they've been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health problems. It is extremely hard to match the quality and amount of fiber present in whole-grain cereals with whole-grain bread. The soluble fiber in the cereals is directly associated with reduced risk of cardio disease.
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Weight loss - before and after pictures, great motivation complation

10 Secrets for Weight Loss Success

1. Set Goals
Successful people set goals in all parts of their lives and health and fitness goals are no different. Set yourself realistic goals under the smart principles... Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.
If you have a lot of weight to lose that long term goal may be overwhelming so break it down into monthly and weekly goals and celebrate your achievements. (Be careful not to undo your good work so you will need to choose your celebration wisely!!!)
2. Have a Plan
Write down your eating plan. Plan your meals a week at a time and shop weekly with a shopping list. Avoid the aisles of biscuits, drinks, snacks and processed food. If you stick to the outside parts of the supermarket where the vegetables and fruit, meats and natural foods hang out you won't go too far wrong.
Make an exercise plan or get someone to make one for you and keep you accountable.
3. Make Lifestyle Changes
Healthy eating is a lifestyle and to make the necessary changes you will have to form new habits. You may find some of your friends or family will actually sabotage your efforts to change your habits and this can be difficult to deal with. You may also find you need to be careful to spend time with people who will support your efforts and encourage you. After a few months of persistence you will see the results and this will help with your motivation.
4. Motivation and Support
Changing a lifetime of bad eating habits is not easy!! Find a buddy to work with but make sure it's someone who will keep you accountable and won't listen to your excuses!! If you need to, use online support and there are even people out there who are happy to give you email support and motivation for a small fee. It will be worth it to become a healthier you.
5. Portion Control
One of the easiest ways to reduce calories consumed and thus start your weight loss program is to reduce your portion size, even halve it. Use smaller plates, buy some if you have to, and it won't look half as bad and don't fill it to overflowing!!! We really don't need that extra food. Eat slowly, savour each mouthful and chew your food. Allow your body the time to recognise when it's had enough.
6. Sugar and Fat
Our supermarkets are bombarding us with low-fat options in foods but if you read the fine print they are all loaded with sugar to compensate.
Avoid processed sugar (white, raw or brown) and fruit juice. Sugar is poisoning our society and is hidden in every processed food we purchase. Go on a quit plan if you need to. Your body will thank you, you won't face diabetes and anything sweet will taste horrible after a while. Juice is concentrated fruit with all the sugars and calories and none of the fibre. We physically couldn't eat all the pieces of fruit in a glass of juice. Eat one piece of fruit instead. Google the amount of sugar in soft drinks, sports drinks and sodas. You'll be horrified!! There is about 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can of cola.
Some fats are good in moderation and our body needs them. Omega-3 fats are essential to our bodies' function.
Good fats are found in Olive oil, Avocados, Nuts, Seeds and Fatty Fish.
Bad "Trans" fats are found in Commercially Baked Goods (pies, cakes, donuts, muffins), Margarine, Fried foods, Packaged snacks and Pre-mixed Cake Mixes etc. Avoid these altogether.
There are other fats that fit in between so limit them to very occasional use.
7. Exercise
Move more. Exercise boosts our metabolism and maintains our muscle strength and endurance. Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes every day until it becomes a habit. Brisk walking is excellent exercise and can be done with a friend. Cycling and swimming are easy on the joints. If you enjoy company and classes try the gym. Strength training is great for building muscle which burns calories faster. Make sure you use correct technique to avoid injury. Don't worry about bulking up. This isn't possible without using extreme weights. Older people benefit greatly from a light weights program. It's always best to seek a doctors OK prior to starting a new exercise program.
8. Best Foods to Eat Are:
A good source of protein, lean meat and chicken, fish, eggs, lentils and beans.
Vegetables, as many as you can eat with as much variety as possible. They can be delicious with simple creative light cooking. Nothing kills the taste and nutritional value of vegetables like overcooking!!! There are plenty of quick and easy recipes and cooking tips online.
One or two pieces of fruit daily.
Wholegrain unprocessed cereals like oats and rice.
Stick to natural unprocessed foods and you'll lose some weight without even trying.
9. Foods to Avoid:
We've already touched on sugar and fat. Avoid all trans fats, sugar, soft drinks, soda and sports drinks. Processed foods, packaged biscuits and crackers, breakfast cereals, white flours, white rice and high carbohydrate high GI foods like these. Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. These are empty calories.
10. Avoid Temptation
If there are certain triggers to your overeating or poor food choices avoid the temptation. Don't go near those aisles in the supermarket, avoid fast food places like the plague. It's all about choices and you can choose to make the right choices for your health with a little discipline.
Follow these 10 tips and you'll find you have more energy and confidence, your clothes will look better, you'll avoid the pitfalls of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and falls and fractures. Good luck with your weight loss goals!
Neal Johnston is a qualified and experienced Health and Fitness consultant with a special interest in the health issues of the over 40's. 
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My Weight Loss Transformation: 40 Pounds in 4 months!!!

Three Top Tips to Lose Weight

If you could ask a group of people what some of their main goals are, many people would respond that they want to lose weight. By losing weight you will not only be improving your overall health, but you will also be improving your body image which in turn will help you to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities. Losing weight may not always be easy, but if you are prepared to make the changes necessary then it is most definitely doable. This article provides three simple tips that will help you to lose weight.
Get Clear
The first step to losing weight is to get clear on your reasons behind wanting to lose weight. Go deeper within yourself and ask questions such as why you want to do this. Do you want to look better? Do you want to feel better? Do you want increased vitality and energy? Do you want to look great on your next holiday on the beach? Often our wants and needs will be a combination of some of these things. By getting clear on what you really want you will be able to set better goals which can be used to transform the way you look, and help you to stay motivated during your weight loss programme.
Set Goals
Now you are ready to set goals regarding your diet and exercise plan. In order to effectively lose weight safely you will need to combine exercise with a healthy eating plan that is best suited to your body. Avoid fad diets and instead stick to things which have proven results. There are plenty of products which incorporate vitamins and minerals into delicious and healthy foods. When it comes to exercise you will want to set goals which you feel are achievable. Setting goals that are extremely difficult to achieve will only backfire and cause you to feel anger because you are not getting the results that you want. Most people like to start with a set amount of weight that they would like to shed. Once this figure has been set you will want to break it down into small steps that you can take on a daily or weekly basis in order to reach these goals. These steps can include things like working out for a set amount on time per week, attending fitness classes and following a healthy eating plan.
Get Help
One of the main reasons why people fail at achieving their ideal weight goals is that they do not receive the help and support that they need. There are many ways that you can receive help, including by hiring a professional personal trainer, by signing up to a healthy eating or fitness programme or by joining a weight loss group where you can communicate with other people who have similar goals to your own. The help and support will be able to motivate you through the weight loss process, and it will help to pick you up at times when you feel things are tough or are not going as planned. Remember, never give up! You have taken the first step to improving your health and fitness by reading this article in the first place. You can do it!
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My Weight Loss Story / Healthy Living Tips & Tricks / Before and After Weight Loss Photo's