Saturday, 27 April 2013

A Guide to Carbohydrates and Weight Loss

Carbohydrates are nutrients that your body breaks down to create sugar. Like other nutrients, carbohydrates also provide vitamins and minerals. But what does this have to do with losing weight?
Why Does The Body Need Sugar?
The cells in our body use sugar to make energy and your brain runs off of it exclusively for fuel. So, just like gas for your car, carbohydrates keeping the motor running. And while it is also true your body can run off fat and protein for a while, it will eventually need to switch back to carbohydrates, otherwise it will start eating its own muscle for fuel - not a good idea when dieting since it lowers your overall rate at which your body burns calories.
Two Kinds of Fuel
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed and provide quick energy to the body. Have you ever reached for a candy bar when you were feeling tired? That's you feeding your body simple carbohydrates to get the boost you needed. More examples of simple carbohydrates are honey, breakfast cereals, breads and biscuits made with white flour, fruit juice, and most crackers.
Complex carbohydrates aren't as quickly digested as your body since they usually contain fiber and as a result, don't cause the spikes in blood sugar. They also carry a lot more nutrients than simple sugars. Some examples of complex carbohydrates include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
There has been a lot of talk about carbohydrates and how they hinder weight loss. To a certain extent that is true - if you eat too many carbs, then your body will end up storing them as fat. In addition, when you continue to go overboard on carbs, you become sluggish, overweight and retain water. But here's the thing: you body needs carbohydrates to fuel your brain, to create red blood cells (a key component of blood) and to repair wounds. So how much is too much?
Recent scientific studies show that daily carbohydrate intake between 100 grams and 150 grams per day is right where you want to be; enough carbs to run your body in a healthy, efficient manner but not get in the way of weight loss. Of course, if you are exercising strenuously on a daily basis, are recovering from illness or surgery, or have other health issues like diabetes, your optimum carbohydrate intake level may be different - and in some case, dramatically different. It's best to check with your doctor to be sure.
Shane Stewart is a full time fitness instructor living in Maryland USA. He writes articles for many online publications on the subject of health, diet supplements, weight loss and fitness.
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Successful Fat Loss Comes Only When You Use The Right Techniques!

There are many reasons most people fail when they try to lose weight. However, I believe they can all be classified into two big groups of people. The first type of people who fail, fail because they simply have no determination. The second group of people fail because they do not know the right techniques to lose weight; sometimes they believe myths put out by the fitness industry! If you belong to the second group of people, read on.
In the following article, I seek to share with you the right methods to lose weight.
First of all, you should not underestimate the importance of sleep. At least six to seven hours of sleep time each and every single day is necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism and to keep you healthy. If you constantly deprive your body of the rest it requires, then your metabolism rate will slow down dramatically, resulting in slower weight loss. Also, if you do not get sufficient sleep at night, your body will release more cortisol, which is a hormone that will accumulate more fats and burn away your lean muscle mass.
Next of all, you should take smaller meals, but take them more frequently. It takes approximately ten minutes for your brain to process that your stomach already feels full. Therefore, eating slower is also a good trick to help you lose weight. When you eat slower, your brain finds it easier to gauge accurately whether you have taken sufficient food.
Thirdly, you should never ever skip your breakfast. Many people make the mistake of skipping their breakfast, thinking that it will reduce the amount of calories they take for the day; therefore they should lose weight. However, if you have skipped your breakfast before, you probably found that it was not effective in helping you lose weight. There are two reasons why skipping breakfast is bad for fat loss. Firstly, skipping breakfast will usually make you feel extremely hungry by lunch time, making you eat a lot more calories than you usually will during lunch. Secondly, taking a nutritious breakfast will ensure that your metabolism is kick-started for the day; skipping your breakfast will make your metabolism slow for the entire day.
Other than targeting your diet, exercise should also be a part of your weight loss routine. If you have not already done so, start getting into the habit of leading an active lifestyle!
Leading an active lifestyle to lose weight does not necessarily mean you have to splurge on gym memberships! 

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Overcome the Excuses and Transform Your Body

Excuses, excuses, excuses... I have heard and I hear them all. These excuses keep you from the goal at hand... to transform your body.
"I'm too tired."
"I don't know how."
"I've tried every diet in the book and failed."
"My knees and back ache too much."
"I don't have time."
"My family doesn't support me"
"I don't have the money."
"I'll never look like that so why bother."
"I'm too old."
Need I go on?
Are you making excuses? You say you want to transform your body yet you give every "reason" in the book and then some as to why you can't. Aren't you tired of excuses and ready to get results?
You know what I have learned through the years of helping people lose weight, get in shape, change their bodies and their lives? Most of those excuses are masks... generally masks that hide fear of some form. Fear of change. Even fear of achieving your goal and being who you have wanted to be for so long and never thought you could be. Fear who you might lose along the way. Fear of losing the familiar. Fear that you'll fail. Fear that you aren't worthy. FEAR... it will not allow you to transform your body as long as you continue to give it control with your excuses.
So, what do you do about it?
You have to know your enemy to overcome it. So, determine what you are afraid of. Look deep. Leave no stone unturned. Be honest, transparent, and authentic with yourself and name the demon.
Now it is time to look it in the eyes. Get mad and tell it to "Bug OFF". You have a goal... a goal to transform your body and your life and you are fed up with the delays that your fear driven excuses are causing.
Now with that new courage coursing through your veins, get busy. No... resist the temptation for excuses again. Dig down deep and grab hold of the courage and make a determined decision to do this.
Since you are taking action, those fears are going to get restless. They will find a way through your courage and conviction and will rear their ugly heads in order to deter you. They will throw obstacles at you from every direction. RESIST. Now is not the time for weakness, surrender and complacency. Now is the time to stand stronger than ever... more decided and determined. SAY "Hell No!"to the obstacles that fear is presenting and stay the course.
You are well on your way to transform your body. The breakthrough is near! I promise.
Today is the end of your excuses. Today is a new dawn, a new day... it is your day. Don't let it pass you by with excuses again. Seize the day, lay hold of the opportunity, embrace the chance to reach your goals and transform your body once and for all. Are you ready? If you are, I and my team are here to see you to success. Why? Because we believe YOU CAN DO THIS! No excuses.
Carl Mason- Liebenberg is a Wellness and Weight Loss Specialist, Author, Fitness Coach, and a Leader in Creating a Lifestyle of Wellness.
His passion is for those who suffer from poor nutrition, related illnesses, addictions and overweight conditions; with a specific focus on women. Carl unveils the power of nutrition and fitness to bring recovery, healing, restoration and strength.
Carl has personally experienced what he teaches and continues to study and learn to improve his ability to teach you a Lifestyle of Wellness.
He has recently launched the Ultimate 30 Day Body Reset that you'll want to be sure to obtain in your journey to authentic wellness.
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What To Do If You Are Struggling With Weight Loss

Many moons ago when man first appeared on the planet, life as we know it today was VERY different...
We had to hunt for our meat, brave the elements, and had to grow our own vegetables... There was certainly no grocery store down the block.
So our bodies were designed to protect us and let us adapt to the many harsh conditions... The problem with that is, it is a far cry from how we live today. We have diets of fast and processed foods, and virtually foods that are dead, and no longer holds any nutritional value.
Our bodies are very primal in nature and the reason we gain weight is for protection. Our bodies want to protect us from famine and starvation. Just about 100 years ago, famine was a real threat to most of the world. We needed to survive until a food source was again available. Survival was Job #1!
Our DNA is programmed for this, and has not adapted to the way that we live today. So your body is doing everything it can for your survival.
That is why dieting doesn't work. Calorie restriction along with grueling workouts put your body into fat storage mode... or as what I refer to as "Turning on the Fat Switch ". Once this has happened our body does everything it can to store fat, slow metabolism, and turns on the hunger signal in the brain.
Our body does not realize that there is no real threat of food shortage. Scientists are now studying animals ( in the wild, not domesticated pets ) as to how they stay the perfect weight for their species. Their weight stays in balance even if there is a food shortage, or they have to endure a brutally cold winter. They have discovered this "fat switch" mechanism in them and now they are studying how this also works with humans. You will see that domesticated pets have the same weight problems that humans have.
One major cause of our "fat switch" being turned on is processed food. Processed food affects the body by "turning on the fat switch" for numerous reasons. First of all this food is stripped of any of its natural components which made it healthy and nutritious to eat. This in turn tells the body it is starving, even if you have just eaten a huge meal. It also is laden with chemicals which the body perceives as a threat, so it goes into survival mode.
Your body will fight you when you try dieting, by doing everything it can to store fat, make you more sedentary, it even deadens your taste buds, so that you crave more sugary and salty foods and have to keep eating to feel satisfied.
If you want your body to start working with you instead of against you... you need to learn how to "Turn Off The Fat Switch". Eliminating processed foods is a great start! Try replacing at every chance you can with fresh, whole foods. Your body knows exactly what to do with that!! Your cells will be jumping up and down for joy at the addition of fresh fruit and vegetables, and it will reward you!
To Your Good Health!
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Safe Weight Loss Products - Tips to Choose

There are so many products out there that aid in weight loss. However, you shouldn't buy just anything that promises to help you shed off those extra pounds. Some of these things contain chemicals or toxins that leave you at risk for more serious health problems.
For your health and wellbeing, choose wisely. First of all, think about losing weight the traditional way. Eat right and exercise regularly. If you've got these two things covered, then your chances of maintaining your ideal weight is high. However, if you depend too much on extra help but you don't do anything about your attitude, you can expect to go back to your old ways and gain all that weight back. To supplement your efforts and to fast track your weight loss, you can turn to weight loss products that are safe for you.
Products to Choose From
Some manufacturers of herbal medicine harp on the fact that their products are organic. However, just because these come from nature doesn't automatically make them safe for consumption. Here some weight loss products that you can turn to if you need help with your diet:
This is an amino acid that helps in the breakdown of calories. Aside from that, it's good in cleaning the buildup of toxins in your digestive system. Experts also believe that this supplement supports muscle buildup during exercise.
This contains capsaicin, the very compound that stimulates metabolism during digestion. So, if you want to increase your metabolic rate and naturally burn fat at a faster rate, this helps a lot.
Green Tea
As safe as green tea is, it contains more caffeine that coffee. Avoid this when you're pregnant. Otherwise, this tea contains healthy antioxidant compounds and is very rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. You can take this after every meal and feel how cleanses your system.
They say that the sea is rich in secrets that help you attain health. They were right because seaweeds are high in chromium and iodine. This helps naturally stimulate your thyroid glands so that they work properly. However, if you're currently suffering from thyroid problems, it's best to consult with your physician first.
Acai Berry
This is full of antioxidants and nutrients that promote weight loss. That's because the berry cleanses your body of toxins and boosts your energy levels at the same time.
Ginseng does wonder by boosting your immune system and giving you the energy you need. While this isn't directly connected to weight loss, it does help you stay active should you need to hit the gym.
The above mentioned weight loss products are available everywhere. So, turn to these and know that you're not putting your health at risk.
Reynold Alleen is a regular blogger and an article writer, who writes about weight loss related information and reviews about weight loss supplements.
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My Natural Weight Loss Success Story - Before and After

Health Benefits of Breakfast And Whole Grain

The health benefits of breakfast has not been taken seriously recently in our society, although we focus quite a bit on steps to remain healthy, we don't take our breakfast into serious consideration. We pay attention to personal hygiene, load up on multivitamins, and also enroll in gym memberships in the hope that we will be motivated to regularly get exercise. But then it turns out that one of the easiest preventative steps we can take can be done at home right at the start of each and every day.
In this article, we find out why breakfast is better in our daily life and the health benefits we derive from such important meal of the day.
As a rule of thumb, eating breakfast every day in the morning is essential to our health. Regularly eating breakfast can assist decrease the risk of insulin resistance syndrome, diabetes or coronary heart disease by 35% to 50% compared to your odds if you skip the morning breakfast meal. In doing this every morning it boils down to the large number of disease prevention just by paying close attention to one important meal of the day. Breakfast is a vital meal... as our mothers always say. It appears mom was right after all.
Now what's the best choice for breakfast that the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends to gain prevention against the above listed diseases? Building a healthier life free from cardiovascular diseases and stroke? A bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk added as part of a balanced breakfast. Let's find out why whole grains are better than refined grains and how to add more whole grains to your diet. The fiber in whole-grain cereals and dairy products help protect against obesity and heart problem by improving blood sugar levels and levels of cholesterol.
The following, are examples of broadly speaking accepted whole grain foods and flours.
  • Oats, including oatmeal
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Corn, including whole cornmeal and popcorn
  • Rice, both brown rice and colored rice
  • Rye
  • Teff
  • Wild rice
  • Triticale
  • Millet
  • Sorghum (also called milo)
  • Wheat, including varieties such as spelt, emmer, farro, einkorn, Kamut®, durum and forms such as bulgur, cracked wheat and wheatberries
  • Amaranth
Well then, why shouldn't you wait to have whole grain bread at lunch instead? The answer lies in the concentration of fiber content in whole-grain cereals. Grains, especially whole grains, are an essential part of a healthy diet. All types of grains are good sources of complex carbohydrates and some key vitamins and minerals. Grains are also naturally low in fat. All of this makes grains a healthy option. Better yet, they've been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health problems. It is extremely hard to match the quality and amount of fiber present in whole-grain cereals with whole-grain bread. The soluble fiber in the cereals is directly associated with reduced risk of cardio disease.
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Weight loss - before and after pictures, great motivation complation

10 Secrets for Weight Loss Success

1. Set Goals
Successful people set goals in all parts of their lives and health and fitness goals are no different. Set yourself realistic goals under the smart principles... Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.
If you have a lot of weight to lose that long term goal may be overwhelming so break it down into monthly and weekly goals and celebrate your achievements. (Be careful not to undo your good work so you will need to choose your celebration wisely!!!)
2. Have a Plan
Write down your eating plan. Plan your meals a week at a time and shop weekly with a shopping list. Avoid the aisles of biscuits, drinks, snacks and processed food. If you stick to the outside parts of the supermarket where the vegetables and fruit, meats and natural foods hang out you won't go too far wrong.
Make an exercise plan or get someone to make one for you and keep you accountable.
3. Make Lifestyle Changes
Healthy eating is a lifestyle and to make the necessary changes you will have to form new habits. You may find some of your friends or family will actually sabotage your efforts to change your habits and this can be difficult to deal with. You may also find you need to be careful to spend time with people who will support your efforts and encourage you. After a few months of persistence you will see the results and this will help with your motivation.
4. Motivation and Support
Changing a lifetime of bad eating habits is not easy!! Find a buddy to work with but make sure it's someone who will keep you accountable and won't listen to your excuses!! If you need to, use online support and there are even people out there who are happy to give you email support and motivation for a small fee. It will be worth it to become a healthier you.
5. Portion Control
One of the easiest ways to reduce calories consumed and thus start your weight loss program is to reduce your portion size, even halve it. Use smaller plates, buy some if you have to, and it won't look half as bad and don't fill it to overflowing!!! We really don't need that extra food. Eat slowly, savour each mouthful and chew your food. Allow your body the time to recognise when it's had enough.
6. Sugar and Fat
Our supermarkets are bombarding us with low-fat options in foods but if you read the fine print they are all loaded with sugar to compensate.
Avoid processed sugar (white, raw or brown) and fruit juice. Sugar is poisoning our society and is hidden in every processed food we purchase. Go on a quit plan if you need to. Your body will thank you, you won't face diabetes and anything sweet will taste horrible after a while. Juice is concentrated fruit with all the sugars and calories and none of the fibre. We physically couldn't eat all the pieces of fruit in a glass of juice. Eat one piece of fruit instead. Google the amount of sugar in soft drinks, sports drinks and sodas. You'll be horrified!! There is about 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can of cola.
Some fats are good in moderation and our body needs them. Omega-3 fats are essential to our bodies' function.
Good fats are found in Olive oil, Avocados, Nuts, Seeds and Fatty Fish.
Bad "Trans" fats are found in Commercially Baked Goods (pies, cakes, donuts, muffins), Margarine, Fried foods, Packaged snacks and Pre-mixed Cake Mixes etc. Avoid these altogether.
There are other fats that fit in between so limit them to very occasional use.
7. Exercise
Move more. Exercise boosts our metabolism and maintains our muscle strength and endurance. Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes every day until it becomes a habit. Brisk walking is excellent exercise and can be done with a friend. Cycling and swimming are easy on the joints. If you enjoy company and classes try the gym. Strength training is great for building muscle which burns calories faster. Make sure you use correct technique to avoid injury. Don't worry about bulking up. This isn't possible without using extreme weights. Older people benefit greatly from a light weights program. It's always best to seek a doctors OK prior to starting a new exercise program.
8. Best Foods to Eat Are:
A good source of protein, lean meat and chicken, fish, eggs, lentils and beans.
Vegetables, as many as you can eat with as much variety as possible. They can be delicious with simple creative light cooking. Nothing kills the taste and nutritional value of vegetables like overcooking!!! There are plenty of quick and easy recipes and cooking tips online.
One or two pieces of fruit daily.
Wholegrain unprocessed cereals like oats and rice.
Stick to natural unprocessed foods and you'll lose some weight without even trying.
9. Foods to Avoid:
We've already touched on sugar and fat. Avoid all trans fats, sugar, soft drinks, soda and sports drinks. Processed foods, packaged biscuits and crackers, breakfast cereals, white flours, white rice and high carbohydrate high GI foods like these. Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum. These are empty calories.
10. Avoid Temptation
If there are certain triggers to your overeating or poor food choices avoid the temptation. Don't go near those aisles in the supermarket, avoid fast food places like the plague. It's all about choices and you can choose to make the right choices for your health with a little discipline.
Follow these 10 tips and you'll find you have more energy and confidence, your clothes will look better, you'll avoid the pitfalls of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and falls and fractures. Good luck with your weight loss goals!
Neal Johnston is a qualified and experienced Health and Fitness consultant with a special interest in the health issues of the over 40's. 
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My Weight Loss Transformation: 40 Pounds in 4 months!!!

Three Top Tips to Lose Weight

If you could ask a group of people what some of their main goals are, many people would respond that they want to lose weight. By losing weight you will not only be improving your overall health, but you will also be improving your body image which in turn will help you to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities. Losing weight may not always be easy, but if you are prepared to make the changes necessary then it is most definitely doable. This article provides three simple tips that will help you to lose weight.
Get Clear
The first step to losing weight is to get clear on your reasons behind wanting to lose weight. Go deeper within yourself and ask questions such as why you want to do this. Do you want to look better? Do you want to feel better? Do you want increased vitality and energy? Do you want to look great on your next holiday on the beach? Often our wants and needs will be a combination of some of these things. By getting clear on what you really want you will be able to set better goals which can be used to transform the way you look, and help you to stay motivated during your weight loss programme.
Set Goals
Now you are ready to set goals regarding your diet and exercise plan. In order to effectively lose weight safely you will need to combine exercise with a healthy eating plan that is best suited to your body. Avoid fad diets and instead stick to things which have proven results. There are plenty of products which incorporate vitamins and minerals into delicious and healthy foods. When it comes to exercise you will want to set goals which you feel are achievable. Setting goals that are extremely difficult to achieve will only backfire and cause you to feel anger because you are not getting the results that you want. Most people like to start with a set amount of weight that they would like to shed. Once this figure has been set you will want to break it down into small steps that you can take on a daily or weekly basis in order to reach these goals. These steps can include things like working out for a set amount on time per week, attending fitness classes and following a healthy eating plan.
Get Help
One of the main reasons why people fail at achieving their ideal weight goals is that they do not receive the help and support that they need. There are many ways that you can receive help, including by hiring a professional personal trainer, by signing up to a healthy eating or fitness programme or by joining a weight loss group where you can communicate with other people who have similar goals to your own. The help and support will be able to motivate you through the weight loss process, and it will help to pick you up at times when you feel things are tough or are not going as planned. Remember, never give up! You have taken the first step to improving your health and fitness by reading this article in the first place. You can do it!
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My Weight Loss Story / Healthy Living Tips & Tricks / Before and After Weight Loss Photo's